by John Lukach
It’s always DNS (Domain Name System), thus wanted to document a pattern for a Route53 Public Host Zone deployed in AWS (Amazon Web Service) with CDK (Cloud Deployment Kit) using the Python flavor.
The first thing is; first, query logging needs to be enabled, or it didn’t happen! To accomplish this requirement, I must provide a Cloud Watch (CW) Log Group with a Resource Policy with permissions for the Route53 service to create streams and put events for the logs.
account = Stack.of(self).account
region = Stack.of(self).region
policy_statement = _iam.PolicyStatement(
principals = [
actions = [
resourcepolicy = _logs.ResourcePolicy(
self, 'resourcepolicy',
policy_statements = [
resource_policy_name = 'AWSServiceRoleForRoute53'
logs = _logs.LogGroup(
self, 'logs',
log_group_name = '/aws/route53/',
retention = _logs.RetentionDays.INFINITE,
removal_policy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY
hostzone = _route53.PublicHostedZone(
self, 'hostzone',
zone_name = '',
comment = '',
query_logs_log_group_arn = logs.log_group_arn
I always add a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record to all my domains, even if a Mail Exchanger (MX) record is not present. I do this to notify the Internet that no emails will be sent from this domain to help protect against spoofing.
spf = _route53.TxtRecord(
self, 'spf',
zone = hostzone,
values = ['v=spf1 -all'],
ttl = Duration.minutes(300)
I also added a Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) record without a Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) record in strict mode to help defend the domain’s reputation.
dmarc = _route53.TxtRecord(
self, 'dmarc',
zone = hostzone,
record_name = '_dmarc',
values = ['v=DMARC1; p=reject; aspf=s; adkim=s;'],
ttl = Duration.minutes(300)
Finally, I enable Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to add authentication and integrity to the resolution requests.
key = _kms.Key(
self, 'key',
key_spec = _kms.KeySpec.ECC_NIST_P256,
key_usage = _kms.KeyUsage.SIGN_VERIFY,
removal_policy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY
key_policy_one = _iam.PolicyStatement(
effect = _iam.Effect(
actions = [
principals = [
resources = [
statement = key_policy_one
key_policy_two = _iam.PolicyStatement(
effect = _iam.Effect(
actions = [
principals = [
resources = [
key_policy_two.add_condition('Bool', {'kms:GrantIsForAWSResource': 'true'})
statement = key_policy_two
ksk = _route53.CfnKeySigningKey(
self, 'ksk',
hosted_zone_id = hostzone.hosted_zone_id,
key_management_service_arn = key.key_arn,
name = 'fileblockinfo',
status = 'ACTIVE'
dnssec = _route53.CfnDNSSEC(
self, 'dnssec',
hosted_zone_id = hostzone.hosted_zone_id